Sweeteners: Whether the recipes call for them or not, feel free to put in any kind of and any amount of sweetener to the drink. Most common sweeteners used for coffee drinks are- regular granulated sugar, honey, brown sugar etc. Just make sure you don’t put in too much, as it is possible to put in sugar to a drink, but impossible to remove it. You also might want to consider enjoying these drinks without any sweetener at all.

Whipped Cream: Many of the recipes in this book will call for whipped cream. When it comes to whipped cream, fresher is always better. Put in approximately ¼ cup of whipped cream per drink. Also, whipped cream is already sweet, so it is pointless to put in additional sugar to it.
Milk: Regardless of the kind of milk a recipe calls for, feel free to use the kind of milk you like best. Whole, low-fat, and non-fat all- all kinds of milk will work in every recipe. Choose the kind of milk you personally prefer.

Chocolate Syrup: Many of the recipes in this book call for chocolate syrup. Any chocolate syrup of your choice will do the job. If you don’t have any syrup, chocolate power will do the job too. Even grated chocolate will do a tremendous job.

Flavour Extracts: These are used in quite a few recipes in this book. You can easily find these in local markets and in online marketplaces. Try all brands and stick to the one you like best. You may also substitute flavour extracts with flavoured syrup. Remember that flavoured extracts are much stronger, and in general 1 tablespoon of flavored syrups is the equivalent to ¼ teaspoon extract.

Soda: Club soda, carbonated water, and sparkling water- all do the trick. A recipe might call for one of these, but feel free to substitute one with the other.

Serving Size: You don’t always have to make the exact amount as the recipes as you to. Feel free to multiply or divide the amount of ingredients used by the same number.


The Big Book of Beverages
Master Making Coffee, Iced Tea, Juices, Infused Water, Alcoholic Cocktails, Smoothies, and Much More with O­ver 870 Recipes!
Stephanie Bennett,
Marissa Marie,
& John Carter

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