If you’re in the market for a new coffee filter, you should know all the options available, and their advantages and disadvantages. The most common types of filters you’ll find are those made with chlorine- or oxygen-bleached white paper, unbleached brown paper, or no paper at all (also-called gold filter).
Today, the oxygen-bleached white filters rapidly gaining popularity because they are “friendly” to the environment. Brown filters, although environmentally friendly, tend to leave a faint papery taste in the coffee. Gold filters are actually made of gold-plated steel and are popular because they don’t need to be replaced and don’t filter out the natural oils of the coffee bean, as the paper filters do.


The Big Book of Beverages
Master Making Coffee, Iced Tea, Juices, Infused Water, Alcoholic Cocktails, Smoothies, and Much More with O­ver 870 Recipes!
Stephanie Bennett,
Marissa Marie,
& John Carter
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