Coffee doesn’t last forever, and as any other perishable item, should be stored properly. Expired beans do not make the best cup of coffee.

Once the coffee beans are grinded into their powdered form, their surface area increases exponentially, and so does the rate at which they spoil. Hence, the best course of action is to store the coffee beans in their whole form, and grind instantly before you make a drink.

If you like to buy ground coffee from the market, make sure the containers are airtight. Once you open these airtight containers, it is best to consume the contents of the container within two weeks. Hence, it is best to buy pre-ground coffee in small batches.

If you buy whole coffee beans from the market, they should be stored in the freezer in an airtight container. They will keep for more than a month that way. Take two weeks’ worth of beans out of the freezer and grind them. These ground beans should also be stored in airtight containers, preferably in a fridge. For maximum freshness, make sure the ground beans don’t last longer than two weeks.


The Big Book of Beverages
Master Making Coffee, Iced Tea, Juices, Infused Water, Alcoholic Cocktails, Smoothies, and Much More with O­ver 870 Recipes!
Stephanie Bennett,
Marissa Marie,
& John Carter

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